Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014

About Tattoos and the Use of English as a Global Language

Last week on Sunday I got my first tattoo by an artist from Malta called ‘Gallo’. He visited the ‘Wildstyle & Tattoo Convention’ in Graz and I was lucky enough to get an appointment with him. He is a very talented and experienced artist who masters a huge variety of styles including watercolor and realistic style, which I really like. When I described my imagination concerning the tattoo, he directly understood what I wanted, thanks to the English language, and he implemented it in a perfect sketch.  Anyways, when I arrived at the convention, I was very nervous because of the pain that I was expecting. After exchanging a few words about the placement of the tattoo, Gallo applied the sketch on my thigh and then started to make it permanent. Fortunately the pain was really not too bad and I had a very interesting conversation with Gallo during the whole session. He talked about his career as a tattoo artist and his life in Malta and I told him about my courses at university and my love for body modifications. I was really happy that we understood each other so well and we were even able to adjust some details of the tattoo during the process. Once again I realized, how important the English language is, because if I wasn’t able to speak it properly, I wouldn’t have this beautiful tattoo by now

I also really enjoy watching videos about tattoos on Youtube. Naomi King, for instance, is an awesome tattoo artist from Australia and she also does videos on that topic. She often talks about the meanings of her artworks or she even shows how she tattoos herself, which I find really interesting. She is so talented! Look at this:

But she is not the only one. There are many men and women on Youtube, uploading great videos about Tattoos frequently, and many of them speak English in their videos. I have no problems understanding them, which is really pleasant. I remember times, when I was young and started to learn English in school. I began to listen to songs on the radio and I got very frustrated, as I misunderstood the lyrics and they didn’t make any sense to me at all. Fortunately that time is over. English is a global language and today it is very important to have good language skills – both for commercial and for private use.

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